Noari premium childcare stores: Quality and safety for babies and their families
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We offer you all the premium brands of strollers and car seats, with great promotions and special coupons. Compare, choose and get it right!

Who are we?

In our stores in Barcelona and Girona you can find the quality and confidence you need for your family.

Noari Kids was born in April 2010 from the illusion, vocation and experience of parents of two beautiful 3 and 4 year old girls: NOA and ARIadna. We already had a name for our NOARI KIDS dream.

On January 11, 2012 our son Guillem was born, in a respected delivery at home after 2 cesarean sections: a PVD2C.

We know the difficulty represented by choosing everything that will accompany our little ones on a daily basis, helping them in their well-being, evolution and growth. The arrival of each baby involves great changes in our life and at home, many doubts and concerns that can overwhelm future parents. Taking care of the baby (and that of the mother ...) will absorb a large part of your time, especially at the beginning, so it is essential to be well informed of what is or is not necessary to have prepared for after the birth. No useless gadgets or demadrizers.

What can you find in Noari Kids?

We base our philosophy on respectful parenting, carefully selecting all the products that we offer to families. It is for this reason that we are not going to convince you which product is the best, because there is no perfect product. Each family has its needs and demands. Our priority is to listen to you, be attentive to your demands and try to help you find what you are looking for, but without ever losing our base.

Advice on high rear-facing safety

Traveling in reverse is the only safe way to travel for young children, for this reason at Noari Kids we have specialized in reverse safety with chair options that allow their use up to 6 or 7 years. We offer personalized advice, analyzing the characteristics of each case and agreeing with the families which is the best option for their needs. At Noari Kids we do not sell pro-march chairs for children under 4 years of age.

Pregnancy and childbirth

At Noari Kids we advise families to find out about a respected pregnancy and delivery and to look for the professional who makes them feel comfortable, at ease and with confidence. That they surround themselves with those who do not hide information from them, that they explain each and every one of the steps and the reasons, that they transmit good work and, above all, that they are able to empower the woman, not make her feel sick because she is pregnant . Your birth is yours, nobody else's.

What do we offer you at Noari Kids?

In addition to expert advice on the best quality safety products, childcare, maternity and parenting, every month we organize activities for families related to pregnancy, childbirth, postpartum, breastfeeding, complementary feeding, pediatric and child health, parenting, teething , first steps, safety, hygiene ...

Our stores in Barcelona and Mataró

Quality and reliable products for babies and their families.

The noari team will welcome you and accompany you in our stores. They will listen to you, and will try to understand your concerns. From here they will advise you with experience, to find those products that best suit your needs, lifestyle and preferences.

We specialize in Child Safety Reversing (ACM), quality strollers and strollers, products for twins, breastfeeding and ergonomic carrying.

Below we share information about our stores, click on the link to access the complete information.

Noari Kids Store - Barcelona

More than 300m2 to offer confidence and quality products for the baby.

We offer you the best products from the best manufacturers, with expert advice.

We are in the Poblenou neighborhood, in Barcelona. The address of the store is C / Bac de Roda, 126. The store is on the corner of calle Pere IV. We recommend leaving the car with the four indicators right in front of the store, where there is an area with the option of stopping vehicles.

It can be accessed very easily from the Ronda Litoral.

¿Dónde estamos en Barcelona?
Visítanos en Noari Kids - Barcelona, en Poblenou, en C/ Bac de Roda 126.
Disponemos de una amplia tienda de 300 metros cuadrados con los mejores fabricantes del mercado.

Estamos a 2 minutos de la Ronda Litoral, y rodeados de parques para jugar en familia.


(preferably by appointment)

Monday Saturday

10.00 hrs - 14.00 hrs

17.00 hrs - 20:30 hrs


C / Bac de Roda, 126. Poblenou

08020 - Barcelona

T. 93.485.35.60

Noari Kids Store - Mataró

In the same place as the usual baby store in Mataró

As of May 18, we open our store in Mataró!

We offer you the best products from the best manufacturers, with expert advice.

We are on Calle Miquel Biada, 10. In the same place where Mami Mataró used to be. Right in front we have a car park with a time control system, which we recommend using when you visit us. Access is very easy from the city, nearby municipalities and the highway.

Here is the location of our store in Mataró:


Monday Saturday

10.00 hrs - 14.00 hrs

17.00 hrs - 20.30 hrs


C / Miquel Biada, 10

08302 - Mataró


Our customers trust us

4.74/5 (191 votes)

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