Noari premium childcare stores: Quality and safety for babies and their families
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We offer you all the premium brands of strollers and car seats, with great promotions and special coupons. Compare, choose and get it right!


At Noari Kids we are specialized in the field of sale and advice on childcare, maternity and parenting products. We have three stores, one in Barcelona (Poblenou) the other in Girona (Center), and soon we will open our third store in Mataró (Center).

Our main concern is the physical and emotional well-being of babies and their families. For this we offer a range of services and products very well selected according to our most rigorous criteria. We would never offer families a product that we would not use with our children.

Do you want to work with us?

Below we inform you of the job offers that we currently have available.

- Clerk / Advisor in Mataró - Afternoons and Saturdays (25h / week)

We are looking for a SELLER / ADVISOR / DEPENDENT for immediate incorporation (part-time) in our new store in Mataró / Centro with great projection in the childcare and children's articles sector.


- Part time afternoon and Saturday morning and afternoon


We are looking for a commercial person, dynamic, with initiative and decisive in day-to-day situations.

She must be used to working in a team, being a good communicator and having experience as a salesperson / salesperson.

Knowledge of the different types of products within our specialty areas is essential:

- Safety in the car (reverse)

- Strollers and strollers

- Ergonomic carrying

- Other childcare, maternity and parenting products

She must specialize in advising on child restraint systems, as well as testing and installing safety seats in customer vehicles.

The company will offer technical product training, and training in sales techniques.

Remuneration according to experience and contribution of the candidate. Incentive plan based on monthly billing and specialization as a car seat installer.

Are you interested?

Send us your CV indicating in the email your motivations to work at Noari Kids to

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