Noari premium childcare stores: Quality and safety for babies and their families
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We offer you all the premium brands of strollers and car seats, with great promotions and special coupons. Compare, choose and get it right!

Barcelona baby shop - Noari Kids, Babies & Families

The Noari Kids project was born in Barcelona, ​​in the Poblenou neighborhood.

There in 2010 we started our journey with a small store in the commercial area. We soon started to have a second store in the area, where we began to be able to gather the products of the best manufacturers in the areas of childcare, maternity and parenting.

Little by little we grew up with a very clear philosophy and values, offering families a highly specialized service, trust and high quality products.

In September 2017 we opened our new large store in Poblenou. Here we have managed to gather all the products we wanted, to offer the best to families.

Noari Kids Store - Barcelona

We have more than 300m2 to offer trust and quality products for babies and their families.

Our store is located at C / Bac de Roda 126, corner Pere IV. We are right in front of the Parc Central de Poblenou, in the heart of the 22 @ technological district.

Our store in Barcelona is very bright and spacious, it has 11 exterior shop windows, distributed along the two streets and on the corner, so it can be found in a simple way.

It can be accessed very easily by car from the coastal ring road (exit 24 towards Llobregat, exit 23 towards Besós).

On Saturdays and holidays you can park right in front of the bus lane of C / Bac de Roda as it is enabled for it. Right in front of the store on C / Pere IV there is a very large loading and unloading area where we carry out tests and installations of safety seats in the families' vehicles.


(preferably by appointment)

Monday Saturday

10.00 hrs - 14.00 hrs

17.00 hrs - 20:30 hrs


C / Bac de Roda, 126. Poblenou

08020 - Barcelona

T. 93.485.35.60

¿Dónde estamos en Barcelona?
Visítanos en Noari Kids - Barcelona, en Poblenou, en C/ Bac de Roda 126.
Disponemos de una amplia tienda de 300 metros cuadrados con los mejores fabricantes del mercado.

Estamos a 2 minutos de la Ronda Litoral, y rodeados de parques para jugar en familia.

In our store you can find several areas, with the best options on the market in each category:


We are specialists in security, and we offer a very complete service, preferably by appointment. We receive families, listen to their needs, assess the situation and their vehicle, to jointly analyze the available options (high security). Then we test the child in the seat, and we also do the seat test in the car, to assess the space, recline and fit. If the families decide to buy the chair, we install it together in the car, while we train the families for the correct future use of their chair.

In our high security space we have:

Car seats from birth, as groups 0 + with or without isofix base (Avionaut Pixel, BeSafe iZi Go X1, BeSafe iZi Go X1 Modular, Bugaboo Turtle, UPPAbaby Mesa, etc)

High security chairs from birth to 4-5 years with Plus Test seal (Klippan Kiss 2 Plus, BeSafe iZi Twist B ISize, Britax Romer Swingfix / Dualfix iSize, Nuna Norr, etc)

Modular systems from birth to 4-5 years (BeSafe iZi Modular, Modukid system, etc)

Group 1-2 high security chairs with Plus Test, up to 6 years ACM (BeSafe iZi Plus X1, Axkid Minikid 2.0, Axkid Move, Klippan Century, Klippan Opti129, Britax Romer MaxWay Plus, even Wob Uno)

Group2-3 forward-walking chairs for older children with high backrest and good belt guidance (Takata Maxi, Klippan WeGo, Nuna Aace, Britax Romer Kidfix, BeSafe iZi Flex Fix)

Car accessories

QUALITY RIDE SPACE (Premium lightweight strollers and strollers):

In our walking area you can find the best manufacturers and models on the market.

We personally take care of the after-sales service, so we prefer not to have incidents, for this reason we offer you the best. Experience shows us that it is better to pay a little more to have a durable and quality product.

We offer you products from the following manufacturers:

Bugaboo area, with all the products of this excellent Dutch manufacturer (Bugaboo Bee5, Bugaboo Fox2, Bugaboo Donkey3, Bugaboo Cameleon3 +, Bugaboo Ant, accessories, limited editions, etc)

UPPAbabu area, with all the products of this high quality and prestigious American manufacturer (UPPAbaby Vista V2, UPPAbaby Cruz V2, UPPAbbay Minu strollers, etc.)

Joolz area, where you will find the products of this manufacturer considered among the highest quality in strollers. (Joolz Day3, Joolz Geo2, Joolz Hub, the new Joolz Aer and accessories)

BabyZen Yoyo area, the star among ultralight chairs. At Noari Kids we are in love with BabyZen Yoyo2, for this reason we have permanent stock in almost all products.

ICandy Zone, British manufacturer of quality strollers, with its own style. We have a corner with the Raspberry and Peach2 strollers.

Baby Monsters area, with the light and robust chairs from this very dynamic Catalan manufacturer.

Baby Jogger area, where you will find some of the products of this prestigious firm.

NOARI TWINS SPACE (Double strollers and pushchairs):

At Noari Twins you will find the largest and best selection of double strollers. We usually have up to 8 or 9 models of double strollers for siblings in a row or twins / twins.

If you are expecting siblings in a row or twins, you should visit our store to see all the twin strollers, compare them, and see the one that best fits your needs. The Noari Kids team is a specialist in twin strollers, so they can explain all the models in detail and assess your situation with you.

Among other models, in the NOARI TWINS space, we have the following strollers that allow one or two babies to be carried:

Bugaboo Donkey

Mountain Buggy Duet

Baby Monsters EasyTwin

UPPAbaby Vista

Joolz Geo

iCandy Peach

Baby Jogger Tour 2 double

Baby Monsters Kuki Twin

Mountain Buggy Nano Duo

Also at Noari Kids, twinner, large and single parent families have a special 5% discount in our stores.

PORTAGE SPACE (Ergonomic porting, safe porting):

Our team is trained in carrying, and can help families to bring their babies close to them, as better and calmer they will find.

At Noari Kids we carry out carrying workshops with our team or very expert collaborators. Where to delve into the use of certain baby carriers.

In our shipping area you can find, among others, the following products:

Baby carrier t-shirts (Quokkababy)

Elastic scarves for a start (Boba, Ergobaby, etc)

Woven scarves (Neóbulle, Ling Ling amour, etc)

Baby carriers (Ergobaby, Marsupi, Boba, Manduca, Fidella, Neóbulle, etc)

Toddler backpacks (Tula, Beco etc)

Shoulder bags (Neóbulle, Ling Ling amour, etc)

Light baby carriers (Sukkiri, Suppori, Kantan, etc)

Carrying coats (Wombat & Co Wallaby, etc)

Accessories for carrying

HOME SPACE (High quality for your home):

Area where you will find high quality and reliable products for your home, comprising the sections of:

Furniture and rest (Doco de CotInfant crib and crib, Tutti Bambini co-sleeping crib, etc. Hammocks for the living room, etc)

Food (ChildHome, Beaba, Nomi high chairs. Advice and products to promote breastfeeding, baby led weaning products, etc)

Bath and hygiene (Bathtubs, toilet reducers, urinals, diaper containers, toiletry bag, organic cosmetics, etc)

Game (high quality wooden games. Top brands in toys such as Djeco, Haba, Moulin Roti, Lilliputiens, Hape, etc)

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