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Isofix Base for UPPAbaby MESA i-Size

Brand: UPPAbaby

Reference: UMB1900

Available only in store
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Isofix Base for Car Seat Uppababy i-Size Table with exclusive Smart Secure System design that facilitates installation and Electronic Indicator Panel to confirm the correct installation using visual and audible signals.


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Isofix Base for Car Seat Uppababy i-Size Table with exclusive Smart Secure System design that facilitates installation and Electronic Indicator Panel to confirm the correct installation using visual and audible signals.


UPPAbaby's SMARTSecure system combines connectors that automatically retract with a visual voltage indicator that turns from red to green, resulting in a simple and secure installation. The MESA i-Size maximizes ease to minimize error, and allows parents to move forward with confidence and security.

Smart Secure System to make installation easier

Electronic Panel with visual and auditory indicators that certify the correct installation

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Hola, Me gustaría saber si la base Isofix es compatible con alguna silla apta a partir de los 13 kg o si solo puede usarse con el uppababy mesa.

Store response | 21/08/2020

Solamente es compatible con UPPAbaby MESA. Saludos


Hacéis envío?

Store response | 12/09/2020

Si hacemos envíos. Puedes consultarnos en o por whatsapp en el 625 555 275. UPPAbaby no permite a las tiendas la opción de agregarlo al carrito en la tienda online, pero si pedidos por mail. Saludos


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