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Comfort Docked Scooter + Bugaboo for Fox, Bee, Cameleon, Ant and Donkey

Brand: Bugaboo

Reference: 85600WB01

  • In stock. Immediate shipment.
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The best scooter option for your Bugaboo stroller, 100% compatible, with one click. The Bugaboo Comfort Docked Scooter is ideal for parents who are out with an infant and an older child. Permanent stock in Noari Kids stores.


More information

The new Bugaboo comfort + coupled scooter with seat allows us to carry our older child comfortably while we ride with our baby in his Bugaboo.

The Bugaboo Comfort Docked Scooter ensures a smooth ride for the child and allows parents to continue to move freely in their world.

By clicking on any Bugaboo Car (except the Bugaboo Runner), the Scooter becomes the perfect extension.

The clever design is reflected in the flexible placement of the Scooter, to the left or right of the stroller, creating more room for parents to ride.

It includes:

  • Scooter
  • Seat

For Bugaboo Bee5, Bugaboo Fox, Bugaboo ANT -no- adapter is required directly docks

Adapter for the chosen model (+ € 14.95) (Camaleon 3 and earlier, Donkey, Buffalo, Bee 3 and earlier)

Comments (1)

| 17/07/2021 | Verified purchase
Comfort Docked Scooter + Bugaboo

El patinete acoplado va genial, mi bebé de 1 año y 10 meses viaja encantado, y cómodo para viajes no muy largos (no pasaría todo el día paseando así, por ejemplo). Aunque parece frágil la rueda aguanta bien el suelo de calle y va para delante y para tras tornándose sin problema. Cuando no en uso se levanta el patinete y tiene un sistema en el que se aguanta solo para arriba.

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