Moulin Roti is a brand of magical, special, very different toys. In your universe your little ones discover unique and very special sensations.
Today, Moulin Roty is more than 40 years of dreams and tenderness. Many characters and stories have been filling all these years, which have happened so fast ...
There are also 75 people in the world of which 40 associate-employees at the Nort-sur-Erdre headquarters. Since 2010 Moulin Roty's growth reflects two figures.
Moulin Roty proposes more than 800 references and each year, there are 1.5 million articles that leave the warehouses for more or less distant destinations: France, neighboring countries, the United States, Japan, Australia ... The doudous cross seas and oceans and they sell worldwide.
Thanks to all the people who have collaborated closely or from afar with this adventure:
To the stores with which we try to provide our customers with the best service, to the customers, parents and grandparents who trust us, to the children who give us enthusiasm and affection, and to all the toys and characters of the Mill without which nothing of this would exist!
Long live this exciting adventure ...
You can find a wide representation of Moulin Roty toys in our stores in Barcelona and Girona.
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