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Belt for pregnant women BeSafe Pregnant iZi FIX

Brand: BeSafe

Reference: B0PRF0100

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One belt, two lives. Compatible with ISOFIX or without ISOFIX.


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What is the best way to protect yourself and your unborn baby in the event of a car accident? Obviously, you will still have to wear a seat belt, so Pregnant iZi FIX may be the most suitable accessory for you. Pregnant iZi FIX protects the mother and the child, and is recommended from the second month of pregnancy. The pregnant belt ensures that the seat belt is properly positioned so that the mother is secure while the hip belt is kept away from her stomach and fetus. This in turn allows a more comfortable use of the seat belt.

Pregnant iZi FIX by BeSafe can be installed in the ISOfix anchors of the car, either in the passenger seats or in the rear. It can also be installed with the accompanying strap on the driver's or passenger's seat.


The hip belt strap is made of fine elastic and is designed to fall forward when not in use. This means that it will always be in a horizontal position and you can easily find it.

Comments (2)

| 17/10/2024 | Verified purchase
Belt for pregnant women BeSafe Pregnant iZi FIX

Lo recomiendo, es muy cómodo y fácil de poner y sacar.

| 15/11/2022 | Verified purchase
Belt for pregnant women BeSafe Pregnant iZi FIX

Va perfecte. S'adapta a la perfecció. Fàcil d'instal.lar si per exemple, l'has d'utilitzar en diferents cotxes.

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