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Bathtub reducer Babydam white / pink

Brand: Otras marcas

Reference: BABYDAMRG01

Offer: £37.41
PVP: £41.53
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Dam type reducer for Babydam bathtub, perfect for your bathtub. The ideal solution to bathe your baby, saving water in your bath. Compatible with most bathtubs, due to its flexibility.


More information

Bath dam and reducer, in white and with pink border.

Ideal to save water and make the bathroom of our little ones safer.

It is a safe product, perfect from birth (with a baby bath hammock) to 4 years.

What makes it so special and unique?

  • Babydam barrier to transform the family bathtub into the bathtub for your little ones.
  • This device saves a lot of water and provides safety for your baby's bath.
  • Save water, energy, money and time.
  • It can also be placed on the opposite side of the faucet and the drain, avoiding possible knocks and giving parents peace of mind.
  • Fits in all standard size bathtubs in seconds, with a maximum base width of 55cm. and plain background.
  • It is attached to the bathtub with suction cups.
  • For a better fixation, it is important to have the surface of the bathtub clean of soaps and dry.
  • The tub can be reduced for other purposes.
  • From newborn to 4 years

Specifications Babydam

  • European homologation: CE regulation.
  • Plastic material.
  • Product weight: 962 g
  • Dimensions: 64 x 23.5 x 0.4 cm

Steps for installing Babydam in your bathtub

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Hola. Quería saber si se puede colocar en una ducha, o si hay algo similar para hacer un trozo de bañera en la ducha. Es una ducha rectangular con mampara a un lado y pared al otro. Gracias. Un saludo.

Store response | 04/03/2023

Hola Rosa, este producto es para bañera.

Te recomiendo una bañera plegable como la stokkke flexibath para utilizar cómodamente como bañerita en la ducha. Saludos


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